Wednesday 9 June 2010

The Beginning

Being stupid. Bit of a party piece for me really. Up until now it had gone oright, a few minor chips to my teeth from opening bottles was all i had to show for it. Then the other week it all went a bit pee-tong. After an end of exams night out a bit worse for wear and decided to climb some park railings on the way home.

This isnt so unusual in itself but when I was hanging from a spike at the top it broke. Shoddy workmanship really. I fell 4 metres onto my left side, straining my wrist (hopefully only that), hurting my ankle (which i found out a week later via phone call from a sheepish doctor that it has a fracture in it), chipping a tooth and killing another. Not a huge list of injuries but enough to stop me going to the alps for a full 2 months of crushing. Have had to put it off for 3weeks, fingers crossed ill be glued and stitched back together by then! Ive started this blog to kind of keep tabs on myself and to have a constant reminder of how fucked off I am/was at this point in my life and how I dont ever want to be back in this place. ie act as a way of putting me off doing retarded stuff.

It feels like ive lost a lot in the last week, the ability to walk and eat pain free being most prominent. So if your reading this dont do what i did/or do. Be cleverer than that, or you'll be kicking yourself (metaphoric of course, dont want any more injuries). Listen to people who tell you to stop, especially those who care for you most, they stand to lose a lot as well.

I'm going to come back a brand new me. Im going to take a stand. No more drama from now. Just the good kind, the crushing kind.

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