Tuesday, 10 August 2010

Back to the grindstone

After a weekend of nothingness and no training i got back in the gym today and after trying to explain what i did in the gym to a mate and failing, i thought id put it down in writing so i dont forget/get confused and can tell them to just read it on here.

Warm up:- 3 mins level 5 on cross trainer

20mins highest level on hillmode of cycle machine
50m grappler/30 x 3 sat twists with 10kg } x 2
5 x 10 squats with 35kg / 3 x 10 leg raises } x 2
Lat bar pyramid upto 9 x 61kg } x 3
Bench 40kg x 10 } 4 times
Summit machine on Hillplus, level 12 for 20mins
3 x 10 inverted rows.....and your done.

Isnt actually that much when i look at it like that. Meh.
After the gym i had a bit of a break today then headed to Boulders climbing wall in Cardiff. I would put a link up but its absolutely gash so wont bother. I was amazed at how the quality of training facilities will dictate how hard you train and ultimately how much you develop. The climbing centres in Shef are fucking brilliant and so there you train like a mofo and get strong both physically but also get good technique. Cardiff is just shit, you cant get strong cos you get pissed off first and theres not one single techinial thing in the place. Sorry i lie, there is one corner, that none of the wannabe WADs can do but is about VS 4c on the grit. Gotta love a proper route that sandbags dicks. Pysce.

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